Chapter 52 – Benediction Bore Peri Haetz (blessing for the fruit of the tree), Bore Peri Haadamah (blessing for the fruit of the ground), and Shehakol (blessing for animal products: meat, chicken, fish, and eggs; water and all other drinks (except for wine) and soups; and miscellaneous foods like mushrooms, candy, etc.)

52.1) Benedictions are to be said over fruit that grows on trees, over fruit you will eat and over fruit on the ground. Reference the source to determine the appropriate benediction.

52.2) Say the benediction Shehakol (blessing for animal products: meat, chicken, fish, and eggs; water and all other drinks (except for wine) and soups; and miscellaneous foods like mushrooms, candy, etc.) before eating food not of the soil, meat, fish, milk, and cheese, before drinking wine or olive oil.

52.3) Mushrooms and truffles are considered foods not of the soil.

52.4) Raw foods require the benedictions Bore peri haetz (blessing for the fruit of the tree) and Bore peri haadamah (blessing for the fruit of the ground).

52.5) Say the benediction Bore peri haadamah before eating radishes.

52.6) If you eat an article of food that tastes best raw, but you cook it, say the benediction Shehakol (blessing for animal products: meat, chicken, fish, and eggs; water and all other drinks (except for wine) and soups; and miscellaneous foods like mushrooms, candy, etc.).

52.7) For inferior foods that grow on thorn bushes and briars, say Shehakol.

52.8) Cooked herbs require the benediction Shehakol.

52.9) The portion of fruit which is not the fruit’s principal part has differing benedictions to be said depending on its origin. Reference the source to determine the appropriate benediction.

52.10) If seeds of a fruit are sweet, say Bore peri haadamah, if bitter, say Shehakol.

52.11) Check the source for the appropriate benedictions to be said over almonds.

52.12) Say Shehakol over fruits preserved before they are ripe or preserved in honey; say Bore peri haetz over citrons preserved in honey or sugar.

52.13) Say Shehakol over spoiled fruit and moldy bread.

52.14) Say Bore peri haetz over fruit that ripens after being plucked from a tree.

52.15) Say Shehakol over juice from seeds of fruit that are unpalatable.

52.16) Say Bore peri haetz (blessing for the fruit of the tree) and Bore peri haadamah (blessing for the fruit of the ground) over fruit you can recognize; say Shehakol (blessing for animal products: meat, chicken, fish, and eggs; water and all other drinks (except for wine) and soups; and miscellaneous foods like mushrooms, candy, etc.) over fruit too crushed to recognize.

52.17) Say Bore peri haadamah over rice or millet that has been cooked without being dissolved; otherwise say Shehakol.

52.18) Say Shehakol over sugar.

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