Chapter 51 – Concluding Benediction

51.1) You may say benediction after eating fruit of any tree not of the seven species mentioned in Deuteronomy 8:8.

51.2) Do not say the concluding benediction after eating or drinking if the quantity of food or drink is less than the size of an olive.

51.3) Consult an authority about whether to say the concluding benediction after eating a whole food even if it is smaller than an olive.

51.4) If the combination of food eaten makes up a quantity greater than the size of an olive, say the concluding benediction.

51.5) Recite the concluding benediction if you take a break from eating and the food would normally conclude with a benediction said afterwards.

51.6) If you drink a hot beverage slowly, you do not need to say the concluding benediction.

51.7) Some combinations of food require you to say a brief form of the three benedictions of Grace as well as the benediction Havtov vehametiv (fourth blessing calling G-d the good King) after meals. (See source for details, or consult a rabbi.)

51.8) Begin your benediction with “Blessed art Thou, O Lord our G-d, King of the universe. . .” in the benediction of the three blessings said after eating food and conclude with, “And we will give thanks for the land . . .”

51.9  ) On the Sabbath, festivals, or New Moons say the proper concluding benediction.

51.10) Be careful with concluding benedictions as you would with Grace.

51.11) Consult an authority for determining if you should read Shebarata in the concluding benediction of Bore nefashot rabbot.

51.12) If you have said benedictions that included the three blessings over your fruit and then eat more, you should only recite the benediction embodying the three blessings.

51.13) Do not leave the place where you are eating to engage in another activity until you have said the concluding benediction.

51.14) If you neglect to say the concluding benediction immediately after eating, say it before digestion begins.

51.15) If you vomit after eating, do not say the concluding benediction.

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