Chapter 54 – Principal and Accessory Foods

54.1 ) If you eat two foods, a principal and an accessory food, say the benediction over the principal food only.

54.2) The benediction over a principal covers the accessory as well.

54.3) If you drink a sip between the eating of a principal and the accessory, say the benediction over the accessory as well.

54.4) Say separate benedictions over a drink and a pastry.

54.5) If you cook two different foods together, say the benedictions separately over both foods.

54.6) If you put soup or milk over a food, and the soup or milk is not the primary food, do not say the benediction for the soup or milk. But if the soup or milk is the primary food, say the benediction over it.

54.7) Say the benediction over a spice mixed with sugar.

54.8) If you drink olive oil in its natural state, you do not need to say benediction over it.

54.9) For preserves, say benediction over the fruit, not the sugar or honey.

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