Chapter 76 – Prayers on Sabbath and Festivals

76.1) On Friday evenings, it is customary to hold the Maariv (Jewish prayer service held in evening or night) service earlier than on weekdays.

76.2) Say a different benediction than is customary for the concluding one on Fridays. (See source for details, or consult a rabbi.)

76.3) Say different prayers for different festivals. (See source for details, or consult a rabbi.)

76.4) Recite the concluding Friday evening benediction while standing.

76.5) Stand and listen during the reciting of the benediction that embodies the substance of seven.

76.6) Say the substance of seven benedictions every Sabbath as well as those that fall on a festival.

76.7) Say the benediction only where ten males are assembled.

76.8) In some regions, it is customary for the hazan (cantor of a synagogue) to recite kiddush (a blessing recited over wine or grape juice to sanctify the Shabbat and Jewish holidays) on the Sabbath and festival evenings.

76.9) Do not recite the chapter of the Mishnah on the Sabbaths where a festival falls.

76.10) You may come to the synagogue late on the Sabbath morning.

76.11) Recite the Musaph service immediately after the morning service.

76.12) Rules exist for the saying of two silent prayers.

76.13) You may not utter the word ehad twice in a service. (See source for details, or consult a rabbi.)

76.14) At the afternoon service, read Psalm 60:14 before reading the Torah.

76.15) After the repetition of the Shemoneh esreh (eighteen; silent prayer) by the hazan (cantor of a synagogue), recite Tzidekateha tzedek (Thy righteousness).

76.16  ) If you recite a benediction in error on the Sabbath or a festival, conclude the wrong benediction and continue with the appropriate one.

76.17) Even if you have said only one word in error of the wrong benediction, finish it before proceeding.

76.18) If you say a benediction in error, start from the beginning again and complete the correct one.

76.19) If you start a weekday benediction in error on the Sabbath or a festival, stop as soon as you realize it and begin the proper benediction.

76.20) It is a bad omen to say a weekday Shemoneh esreh; you must do penance if you do that.

76.21) If you err in saying the correct benediction and have not yet pronounced the Divine Name, repeat the appropriate benediction.

76.22) Rule 76.21 only applies to the evening, morning, or afternoon service.

76.23) If you err in the festival prayer conclusion, say, “Who halloweth Israel and the seasons.”

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