Chapter 81 – Four Premises with Regard to Sabbath Laws

81.1) Premises include: a) the private premise; b) the public premise; c) the premise which is neither private nor public; and d) the premise which is exempt.

81.2) A private premise measures no less than four hand-breaths (16 inches) square.

81.3) A public premise measures 16 cubits (24 feet) square.

81.4) A premise regarded as a karmeelit (neither public nor private) is not a public thoroughfare, not surrounded by partitions, a stream no less than 10 hand-breaths deep and no less than four hand-breaths wide and alleys that are partitioned off on three sides.

81.5) An exempted place is a public premise that does not measure four hand-breaths square, and is three or more hand-breaths in height.

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