Chapter 49 – Saying Benediction over Wine and Hatov Vehametiv

49.1) Say the benediction before drinking wine.

49.2) If a liquid tastes like wine, say the benediction.

49.3) If wine is mixed with water and the wine is only a sixth part of the liquid, it is considered water; no benediction is required.

49.4) If you say the benediction over wine, other beverages at the table are exempt from the reciting of a  benediction.

49.5) If wine is not your primary beverage at a meal, say the benediction over other beverages in addition to the one over the wine.

49.6) Recite benedictions over beverages such as coffee or brandy that you drink after the wine.

49.10) Say the benediction Hatov vehametiv (fourth blessing calling G-d the good King) over a second wine if it is inferior to the first.

49.11) See the source for rules about the various variations of a second wine at the table and a need to say benedictions over it.

49.12) If you provide a secondary wine because the first is gone, say the benediction again over the second wine.

49.13) Say Hatov vehametiv if two persons drink of the two kinds of wine.

49.14) At a banquet where wine is shared, all guests should say Hatov vehametiv.

49.15) If one person in a group utters the benediction, all others are exempt from saying it.

49.16) If you say Grace over wine, you need not say the benediction.

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