Chapter 57 – Benedictions over Food Served More Than Originally Intended

57.1) Repeat Hamotzi (blessing over bread) if you have a second helping of bread.

57.2) If you eat additional fruit, you do not need to repeat the benediction.

57.3) If none of the original fruit remains when you receive the additional fruit, say the benediction again.

57.4) If the first helping of fruit is inferior to the second, you should say the benediction again over the second piece of superior fruit.

57.5) If you say benediction over a particular food or drink with the intention of exempting all other foods that require the same benediction, when the other food is brought out, you do not need to repeat the benediction.

57.6) If you are at someone else’s home, you need not follow the above regulations concerning benedictions.

57.7) If you are at a feast and say benediction over a cup of beverage, you need not repeat it if the cup is refilled.

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