Chapter 59 – Benedictions over Joy and Grief

59.1) Say the benediction Sheheheyanu when good tidings are told by a reliable eyewitness, if you alone are benefited by the news.

59.2) Praise the Lord when you receive a blessing.

59.3) Say the benediction Hatov vehametiv (fourth blessing calling G-d the good King) if you acquire a profitable thing or hear good tidings.

59.4) Alway say, “Whatever the All-merciful does is for our good.”

59.5) Say the benediction Hatov vehametiv upon the birth of a son.

59.6) Say, “Blessed art Thou, O Lord our G-d, King of the universe, the just Judge,” upon the death of a relative or a pious man.

59.7) Say Sheheheyanu when you acquire a possession, vessels, valuable garments or build or buy a house.

59.8) When you put on a garment for the first time, say the benediction Malbish arumim.

59.9) Say Hatov vehametiv upon the purchase of household articles.

59.10) When you receive a gift, say Hatov vehametiv.

59.11) Do not say a benediction upon the purchase of sacred books.

59.12) Do not say a benediction over articles of slight value.

59.13) Say to someone who puts on a new garment, “Mayest thou wear it out and acquire a new one.”

59.14) Say the benediction Sheheheyanu the first time a new fruit reproduced annually is partaken.

59.15) Say the benediction Sheheheyanu over grapes, but the wine of those grapes.

59.16) Do not say the benediction over unripe grapes.

59.17) Say Sheheheyanu over new vegetables or turnips.

59.18) Do not say Sheheheyanu upon smelling a fragrant odor.

59.19) You will be called to account in the world-to-come for abstaining from what you behold.

59.20) Say Sheheheyanu upon seeing a friend after a separation of thirty days.

59.21) You do not need to say the benediction upon meeting a friend that you have never met, but have corresponded with.

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